


Klaus Reichle and Sabine Funk
Zavelsteiner Strasse 25
D-75394 Oberreichenbach

Owner: Klaus Reichle and Sabine Funk
CIN:                  IT050034C29NALFU6U

Text information according to the Teleservices Act:

General information

The information in this online presentation is for information only. No liability is assumed for the accuracy and completeness. We reserve the right to make changes. The online presentation is not a contractual offer. The publisher assumes no responsibility for typographical errors, omissions, price information, etc.

Notes on links in our offer

With the judgment of May 12, 1998, the Hamburg Regional Court decided that by providing a link, one may be jointly responsible for the content of the linked page. According to the District Court, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content. I would like to emphasize that I have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages.

However, we do not distance ourselves from the content of the linked pages on our homepage, because we agree with the respective basic content, otherwise I would not recommend them.


Tax ID:

currently not awarded according to § 19 UStG

Economic identification number:

not yet taken

Supervisory authority:

Please enter your responsible supervisory authority here
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